
Dear friends and family, we had hoped that we could let “no news is good news,” from the last post, stand as the last-ever update on this blog. We are terribly sorry to say that isn’t the case. There’s news, and it is not good. Yesterday, we learned via a PET scan that Brad has more evidence of cancer. We are awaiting a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, but his oncologist believes it is almost certainly a new type of cancer, a B-cell lymphoma called post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder. It is caused by an Epstein-Barr viral infection, which his immune system (suppressed by the post-transplant medications) cannot fight effectively; the B cells proliferate aggressively (hence the name), causing tumors. This is a rare, but known, complication of immune suppression after transplant and is more common in solid-organ transplants.

Needless to say, this was the very last news we wanted to hear or have to share. Brad’s course of treatment is not yet certain, pending the biopsy. It is, however, clear that a very difficult road for our whole family lies ahead. We are grateful for all your good thoughts.

—Brad and Kate

14 thoughts on “News

    1. My heart sinks to hear this news. Yet, as Brad and Kate have shown me how to do, it will refill with hope, strength and resolve that Brad will overcome this setback as well. Every good thought, wish and prayer, every day, to you four. 💜


  1. We are so sorry to hear this news. We will keep you in our minds and hearts during this time wishing for the best possible outcome.


  2. Praying, praying, praying for all of you. I’m so sorry. I will stand by to hear how we can support your family as you re-enter the battle.


  3. Definitely not the news that anyone wanted. I am really feeling for you both right now and sending my best thoughts that this is just another bump in the road. I will be in touch tomorrow to see what you need.


  4. Brad & Kate- I’m so MAD at cancer! I HATE that it is continuing to battle against you Brad. I know that your will is incredibly strong and I hope that you continue to overcome this next unwelcome obstacle. Sending you my love and strength in beating our despicable enemy.


  5. Dear Kate and Brad- we are so sorry to hear the results of the PET scan and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers….


  6. So devastating and discouraging after all you have been through already. Holding your whole family in my heart.


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